Juicy blends
Natural fruits are always a healthy choice, so they are on Kayan's menu
Refreshing drinks
Innovations for soft drinks by adding distinctive flavors

We care about its details and purify the best types of coffee to provide the best coffee

We have a variety of options for prepared and ready-made desserts in the refrigerator

Commercial franchise applications

And the rest of the world

ساعات العمل

فروع كيان
طوال ايام الاسبوع 24 ساعة
الاداره القصيم - عنيزة
من الاحد الى الخميس من الساعه 9 ص الى 5 م
السبت من الساعه 12 م الى 5 م
Within the Kingdom and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
Complaints or suggestions
Customer service number